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  • Writer's pictureBailey

Our RV Renovation Journey: Before & After Reveal

Renovating our RV was a huge project, but it has honestly been a dream come true. I am so lucky that I get to share this whole journey with you. I'm very happy that I decided to film the renovation process so you can see it before, during, & after! If it wasn’t for YouTube, I don’t know if I would have filmed it. Looking back on this journey is so unreal & I can’t wait to have all of these memories forever!

If you ever do a project like this, I highly recommend filming the whole thing even if you never want to post it. It can be hard to film some days when you’re tired or burnt out, but keep going! These memories will last you a lifetime.

Renovating was SO much fun but also a lot of work. Without further ado...the before & after of our RV renovation! I hope you love it as much as we do :)

You can check out the entire renovation journey on YouTube here:

Make sure to follow me on Instagram & subscribe to my YouTube channel to stay up to date on more RV content, including traveling cross-country!


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