Big News! There have been many ups and downs throughout this journey with Hudson but I am thrilled to share this week with you our amazing news! We drove down to San Diego on Friday, August 3 for our follow-up appointment. Before going to the appointment Hudson started to have a lot more movement in his back legs. He has been wanting to walk and take off on his own this whole week, but I knew I couldn't let him until his appointment. When we left the vet after surgery three weeks ago the vet told me there was a high chance he may never walk again. However, we had to wait until our follow-up appointment to know. For two weeks there wasn't much movement it was scary and stressful not knowing if he would walk again. I made sure to always be positive and be there for him in every way possible. Then suddenly about a week ago, he started moving his back legs like crazy. Before going to the vet on Friday we had one acupuncture appointment. When Hudson had acupuncture before surgery, he wouldn't even flinch, he just would lay there and fall asleep. This time was a lot different, he was kicking his back legs and moving his body a lot, which showed that he had a lot more movement. Even though there were signs of movement I was still not sure what the veterinarian would say.
On Friday Hudson and I met with the veterinarian and from the moment he walked in I could tell he was extremely excited to see the progress Hudson had made. He told me Hudson was doing amazing and that he could start walking on his own. He told me he was very happy with what he saw and that it should only be uphill from here. Listening to the veterinarian, I began to cry because I was so happy to hear that Hudson was making steps forward and was going to be able to walk again.

Hudson still has a long road ahead of him, but I couldn't be happier with the progress he has made. I can let Hudson began to stand and take steps which he is dying to do. He is very wobbly and doesn't have much balance. However, Hudson doesn't show signs of pain anymore and he has so much more energy than he has had for a while. We are now on to acupuncture, laser therapy, and water therapy. This should all help Hudson began to make a recovery and be able to walk soon. Hopefully, in no time Hudson will be able to walk and play again like a normal puppy. Even though the vet said he may never walk 100% normal he is improving every day and I believe he will get there. Last night my parents and I took Hudson to the beach because it is his favorite place in the world and he was finally allowed out. He came alive even more and really showed us how much he is truly feeling better.

Even though, throughout this experience, there have been many ups and downs I have never met a more amazing and strong puppy. Hudson has fought so hard to get better every day and has shown everyone how tough he really is. Hudson and I have both grown in so many ways throughout this experience and have created an even more amazing bond together. Everyone's support has pushed Hudson to become better every day and we both thank you all so much. I hope that I am able to spread Hudson's story and help others as much as each one of you has helped us. I can't wait to continue to update you and have you follow along with our blog.
xoxo B